ORGANIC Apple vinegar

ORGANIC Apple vinegar
ORGANIC Apple vinegar
ORGANIC Apple vinegar
ORGANIC Apple vinegar
Grapoila apple cider vinegar is crafted through natural, biological fermentation, containing no preservatives, colorants, or artificial flavours. It is made exclusively from high-quality ingredients using gentle processes at low temperatures. During fermentation, the fruit's sugar content is converted into acetic acid, yet a significant portion of the raw material's nutritional value is retained in the final product. The product does not contain any added sugar.

After the vinegar has undergone fermentation, it rests in oak barrels for several months until the fermentation process is complete. This contributes to its aroma (unlike vinegars without aging, which may have a sharp, nail polish-like smell due to aldehydes). Through aging, the flavours blend, resulting in harmonious vinegar.

This 5% acidity apple cider vinegar can be used in cooking for souring, marinating meats, drizzling over salads, making dressings/vinaigrettes, and preparing refreshing beverages.
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480 g/pcs