Olive oil extra virgin 1000 ml

Olive oil extra virgin 1000 ml

During the exclusively mechanical production of the cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, the temperature of the olive mash does not exceed 27°C. 


The saturated fatty acid content of this oil is low. On the other hand, it has a high content of heart-healthy unsaturated fatty acids and is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. 


Extra virgin olive oil functions as an excellent natural, hypoallergenic skin care product. Due to its significant antioxidant content, it provides the skin with various nutrients, especially vitamin A and E that delay skin ageing.


Our distinctively-flavoured, premium oil comes from Spain. Contrary to popular belief, olive oil is not suitable at high temperatures. Frying with olive oil should therefore be avoided! On the other hand, it excellent for seasoning pasta, meat, fish, and Mediterranean dishes.

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