Milk thistle seed oil BIO 1000 ml

Milk thistle seed oil BIO 1000 ml
Milk thistle seed oil BIO 1000 ml
Milk thistle seed oil BIO 1000 ml
Milk thistle seed oil BIO 1000 ml

Milk thistle seeds have been known for hundreds of years as the most effective herb for liver cleansing. Its hepatoprotective effect is well-known. When consumed regularly, it can decrease the negative effects of harmful substances in the liver by cleansing and helping its regeneration. It is also very rich in unsaturated fatty acids and its vitamin E content is also significant.

Consume it on a daily basis, even on its own. The recommended daily dose for people with a body weight of less then 80 kg is a coffee spoon, over 80 kg a teaspoon. You can make a delicious dip by mixing it with some chopped sage but it tastes also great with a silky, soft-tasting mayonnaise or with mustard as a light salad dressing.

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1000 ml
956 g/pc