Aprikot kernel oil 250 ml

Aprikot kernel oil 250 ml
Aprikot kernel oil 250 ml
Aprikot kernel oil 250 ml
Aprikot kernel oil 250 ml
Aprikot kernel oil 250 ml
Aprikot kernel oil 250 ml

This oil contains vitamins (B15, B17, and B19) that can not be found in other kinds of oils. It can help in the formation of red blood cells. Its vitamin E and A content is high. The highly absorbable vitamin A in this oil improves eyesight and softens skin. As vitamin A is fat-soluble, it has a particularly beneficial effect on the nervous system, stimulates brain activity, and can improve concentration.

Apricot kernel oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and -6), which regenerate skin in a natural way, making it soft and silky and smoothing out the connective tissues.

This oil can be used to nurture oily/normal skin, as a bath oil or mixed into facial creams, body scrubs, and massage oils.

Recommended daily dose: internally, 3×1 coffee spoons before meals; externally, feel free to use it depending on how dry your skin is.

Grapoila Apricot Kernel Oil has won a one-star award at the 2021 Great Taste awards, which is the most famous food tasting contest in the world based on blind testing.


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250 ml
480 g/pc