Hemp seed oil 250 ml

Hemp seed oil 250 ml
Hemp seed oil 250 ml
Hemp seed oil 250 ml
Hemp seed oil 250 ml
Hemp seed oil 250 ml
Hemp seed oil 250 ml

An oil with a deep green color and a characteristic taste. In folk medicine, hemp seed has a crucial role. Nowadays, the kinds with narcotic effects are widely known. Hemps seeds used for sowing, however, do not contain any such components (like THC). It consists of elements that are physiologically much more important, which makes it to a really precious oil.

One of the most characteristic and most delicious oils, can be used for flavouring your meals afterwards as well. Ideal for salads and for creamy soups but goes also well with raw or fried vegetables, tomatoes, meals with basil and salt cheeses (e.g. feta cheese). It can be combined well with corn oil.

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