Linseed flour BIO 250 g

Linseed flour BIO 250 g
Linseed flour BIO 250 g
Linseed flour BIO 250 g
Linseed flour BIO 250 g

Rich in fibers, protein and minerals. Contains a phytoestrogen (lignan) which can facilitate the ovulation and reduce the unpleasant symtoms of menopause. Facilitates intestinal function which contributes to body purification.


Linseed flour plays an important role in preventing autoimmune diseases. It can help eliminate toxins and cholesterol deposits. It reduces the formation of gastric acid and so the chances of stomach ulcer.


Traditional flours can be partially replaced by linseed flour. It can be mixed with salads, muesli or curd and is also ideal for thickening as it can absorb a huge amount of liquids and fats. You can also add it to the dough or sprinkle on top of pastries and scones. When mixed with sesame seed flour (in a 1:1 proportion), it can help protect your teeth. 

To Favourites
250 g
263 g/pc