Almonds 250 g (blanched)

Almonds 250 g (blanched)
Almonds 250 g (blanched)
Almonds 250 g (blanched)
Almonds 250 g (blanched)
Almonds 250 g (blanched)
Almonds 250 g (blanched)

Due to its hight vitamin E content, almonds helps in body recovery and fighting antioxidative stress factors. It is rich in vitamin B-, P and also in minerals (magnesium, cooper, manganese, zinc). Its protein and fiber content is high but low in carbohydrates which makes almonds ideal for recovery after sport activities.

Instead of snacking, crunch almonds because it delicious and healthy. It helps prevent cardiovascular disease, regulates cholesterol and the sugar level of blood, protects the nervous system, and due to it fiber content, it has a beneficiaal effect on digestion.

Use it for cakes, breads or sprinkle it on crems, soups, muesli. It is not only makes our dishes and cakes healthier and tastier, but also makes the it more decorative.

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Product status
temporarily out of stock    
263 g/pcs